Tactical & Medical Response to Active Shooter Hostile Events
This is an 8-hour course for fire rescue, law enforcement officers, and other non-medically trained first responders on the tactical and medical care interventions that can save injured civilians' and responders' lives. Supported by a grant from the Florida Department of Education, the course incorporates the latest practices from military and SWAT/tactical medics, local law enforcement agency protocols, and scenario- and simulation-based, hands-on training exercises.

The major learning goals are:
• Adopt adaptive response strategies to incidents of mass violence
• Learn mass trauma management and life savings skills in simulated environments
• Navigate through the incident area, locate casualties and perform triage
• Implement techniques, tools and strategies to effectively respond to incidents of mass violence involving an active shooter or explosive devices
• Collaborate with law enforcement personnel to achieve optimal response.

Classes can be scheduled upon group request.

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