ASLSH Blended Provider - In-Hospital Track
ASLS BLENDED LEARNING is a new and innovative, 2-part web and skills course co-developed with the American Heart Association and available in prehospital and in-hospital tracks, and a combined track for instructor-candidates and/or those who practice in both environments. The adaptive learning platform features interactive online modules with algorithms that tailor the content to the individual’s specific needs. Users choose which of 14 stroke scales to learn about and utilize when demonstrating skills for Part 2, an in-person a 3-part Skills Evaluation Session at which the learner (A) demonstrates the preferred stroke scale on a normal patient; (B) uses the same stroke scale to identify a stroke syndrome or mimic; and (C) is presented with a simulated scenario to manage a stroke patient, for evaluation by and feedback from a trained instructor.

For the in-hospital track, select from the dropdown menu the date on which you will complete Part 2, bringing your online course completion certificate with you. Use the Comments Box at the payment screen to enter the stroke scale you most use in clinical practice. The in-person portion is a 4-hour block to accommodate team-based demonstrations of skills rather than one-on-one.  You will be emailed instructions for accessing and completing the online course.

Class Dates

   color represents paramedic shift.

Oct 24, 2024
Oct 24, 2024 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM